Bikeathon is a marathon of social innovation that supports, through training and financial resources, ideas, projects and businesses that use the bicycle to strengthen low-income territories in Brazil. There have already been 6 editions and in 2023 its second edition will arrive under the Pedala Macaé project.
Parceiro de Mentoria

pedala macaé

It is time for Macaé to be part of this revolution
Eight proposals were pre-selected to participate in the immersion with mentorships carried out by the Amani Institute and by Casulo Consultoria de Impacto, among them, 4 will receive financial support of R$ 4,000.00 each to be developed.
Discover the 8 ideas selected here!
território centro

The 10 bicycle initiatives selected were:
- Selim Cultural em formação com Señoritas Courier
- Ecomilhas Milhas Urbanas Sustentáveis
- Mapeamento Ciclo Amigável com Señoritas Courier
- BikeSystem
- "Rolê no Centro"
- Maratona Mulher na Bicicleta
- BAZE - Mini-oficina de Suporte axs Ciclo Entregadorxs
- Motor humano
- pedalar é urbano: street art sp
- PedalinhA
Support from the Sesc Units: Carmo, Pq Dom Pedro, Florêncio de Abreu, Bom Retiro, Consolação and 24 de Maio. All ideas are an amazing bike trip.
Thinking about sharing these actions, Aromeiazero launches the Bike-a-thon Território Centro report with the impact promoted by the activities, inspiring testimonials and information from the selected collectives. 🤩
In all, 36 thousand reais were allocated to carry out the activities. There were more than 17 actions open to the public, 376 people directly impacted, 174 women and 116 black, brown or indigenous people. Another 11,209 people were indirectly impacted.
cidade tirandentes
Six proposals were selected to participate in the immersion with mentorships carried out by the Amani Institute and Casulo Consultoria de Impacto on: Bicycle and Social Impact, Social Innovation Management and Financial Sustainability Models.
Among them, 4 received financial support of R$4,000.00 for their development. The entire selection and immersion process took place online and follow-up included visits, depending on the pandemic phase.
The 4 initiatives that received financial support and mentoring to be carried out:
🚲 Woman, come out! - Casa Anastácia | @anagriots
🚲 Tiradentes Cycling Squad | @pelotaodeelitect
🚲Perifa on Rec - Us, the bike and the multiple possibilities | @laris_evelyn @adepojito
🚲 What's on her street | @skarlethesqueceu @luarairacema
Another 2 were pre-selected to participate in the mentorships:
🚲Sustainable and Agile e-Bike delivery in Tiradentes City | @itsmearthurvinicius
🚲Los Pedaleros da CT | @welissonguedes and @brunasampai0
This edition of Bike-A-Thon was sponsored by Itaú and supported by Tembici.
This edition was sponsored by Instituto PHI and took place throughout the first half of 2021, during the most restrictive phase of covid-19.
6 pre-selected ideas received mentoring in Cycling tourism and Socio-environmental Impact, Health Safety Protocols against COVID-19, Business Plan and Financial Management. Among them, 4 received a grant of R$600 for 2 months to structure and enhance their activities.
The 04 cycle tourism initiatives chosen were:
- Muriki
- Gramame Valley Route
-La Ursa
There were 86 registered proposals from 16 Brazilian states, 10 participated in 3 days of immersion with mentorships on: Social Impact and Bicycle; Social Innovation Management and Financial Sustainability Models. Each proposal received a grant of R$500 to enable their participation. In the live below, the 5 winning ideas received a prize of BRL 5,000 each, as follows:
Discover the 5 selected proposals
- Cooperativa Recifavela - Recircular (São Paulo/SP);
- Encantos do Sul Viagens - Website "Circuito Desafio de Anita" (Tubarão/SC)
- Terena Family - Renova Bike (Aquidauana - MS)
- Pedala Mana - Águas Lindas - Periphery on the Track (Belém/PA)
- AfroCiclo Collective Mobilization Network - Women in Cycle (Salvador/BA)
The Bike-a-thon was sponsored by Itaú.