Donating to Aromeiazero will make more children cycle and enjoy childhood as it should be.
Our monthly plans with real values can also be subscribed by you who live outside Brazil. Each plan is named after a child's play and when you click on the donate now button, you will be directed to a Pag Seguro link that already converts the value in real to your current currency. The last plan called "Dominó" is open-ended and will charge your credit card only once. Choose a child's play and value and donate now!
Believe: the bike can change
a child's life for the better.
Ride with us!

The current scenario confirms the impacts that the pandemic had on the childhood of thousands of children. With huge differences in access, some absences are still common among the little ones: paralyzed classes, distance from friends and the absence of games that are part of the motor and social development of this phase of life.
Our action reaches adults and children, and through experiences and activities we are present in schools and partner organizations to combine cycling with education, stimulating the innumerable good things that pedaling can generate in our lives, as children and later as adults.
But not only does Aromeiazero live on bicycles and we are always looking for new partners and sponsors. You alone can make a lot of difference, adopting Aro as an organization to support monthly through Pag Seguro and with less than one real a day you already help a lot. An easy and effective way to institutionally strengthen Aro so that we can continue doing our work.
The individual donation campaign is on the air waiting for your help.